Cherry Bloosoms

Monday, August 30, 2010

A Resurrected Blogger

I have not only been inspired but encouraged to blog during my husband's deployment. This will be his second, but first one as a married couple. I have seen encouraging blogs and hope to encourage others as well, especially other military wives. This is all new to me: military life, married life, deployment, blogging, asking and reaching for support....and the list could go on. This is a new chapter in my life with MANY subtitles and not much consistancy. The only constant I know these days is God. He is always there and who I turn to when I cannot find my routine, groove, etc. What a steadfast love He provides!?!


  1. Keep it up... I did a horrible job blogging consistently. Thanks for keeping us "in the loop". :)

  2. Glad to meet you! I look forward to keeping up with your blog. P.S. Your flowers sound amazing. :)


  3. Thank you. They are really just a blessing since they bloom w/ no maintenence. Best wishes to you and your home decorating.
