Cherry Bloosoms

Thursday, September 9, 2010

A Blissful Weekend

I was fortunate enough to be invited, along with other spouses and family members of Adam's group, up to Williamsburg to visit Adam for the long Labor Day weekend! It was a weekend of sheer bliss! I got in as close to "on-time" as you can get flying through ATL these days and was with Adam enjoying the afternoon by 2pm. We had a nice seafood dinner with Adam's buddy, Chuck and wife, Mitzi along with a wonderful evening stroll through Old Town Williamsburg and The College of William and Mary.

On Saturday, we went and walked around Colonial Williamsburg, reported for PT Insanity workout at 1800, watched some college football and visited with other couples, then crashed. Sunday, I made, yes made Adam enjoy Busch Gardens for 7 whole hours. Thank you Heroes to Heroes for letting military in the park free this past weekend! Monday came and we enjoyed a nice cookout and gathering by the City of Williamsburg and USO. We couldn't have asked for more perfect weather. Surprisingly, a few trees we starting to turn to muted oranges and reds already.

I am so thankful that we got to spend time together before he leaves for the Middle East later this month. I will treasure that time with all my heart. I love you Adam and pray for you everyday.


  1. What an awesome weekend! And you got to see my alma mater, William & Mary (along with your sweet hubby!)

  2. I did not know you went there. What a beautiful campus?!

  3. Glad you got to enjoy time with your hubby!
