Cherry Bloosoms

Monday, September 27, 2010

God's Promises in a Windy Day

Years ago when I was down at Auburn, I would often take my free afternoons and leave campus just to get away and think. I would drive out Wire Road a few miles to Kiesel Park, find a shady, grassy spot by the creek and throw out my beach towel. What a great way to get away from the hustle and bustle of college life and dorm living?! Once settled, I'd usually journal or work on my weekly Bible study. Never homework; that was for the library. It's amazing how God can speak to us in the 'tiny-est' whisper or cool of the breeze or whistle of the wind when we get still, quiet and listen. The trees would blow, the willows flapping and I could hear God. Oh those Autumn days long ago.

Well, Autumn is finally here in Birmingham and I was outside enjoying the cool weather this morning and heard the chimes singing in the wind!! God is there... He's here....Adam is there...but he will be back!! The wind chime of blue and green glass is special to us as Adam and I picked it out in Tocca, GA this summer to remind us of our times together, and remind me while he's in Kuwait. Our trip outside NSA Athens that morning was a DATE, believe it or not! He surprised me as we drove for over an hour in "hiking" clothes. We did attempt to hike Mt. Curahee but ended up at the top before we knew it in Adam's truck. Off-roading describes it I think. We did happen upon the beautiful Tocca Falls and quaint town. Love some meat n'three.

I can hear it now as the wind continues to blow even this afternoon. Thank God for the blessings of cool breezes, windy days and for His promises for us!

"Now I am about to go the way of all the earth. You know with all your heart and soul that not one of all the good promises the LORD your God gave you has failed. Every promise has been fulfilled; not one has failed" -Joshua 23:14

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful post, Valerie! Your posts are always a bright spot in the day!
