Cherry Bloosoms

Friday, December 31, 2010

In the dead of winter

In the dead of winter, there is life. You just have to plant it. Or in my case, someone helps you plant it.

Sometimes the deployment thing just gets a bit monotnous and dead. No spice in life. Well, I was thinking about that today.

Adam and I had a nice skype and read about dying to become new in 1 Corinthians 15. The devotion went on to talk about planting bulbs this time of year and that in the spring, their life is a reminder to us all. Adam then tells a story of helping his grandparents plant tulips at their home when he was younger. And do you know what happened next....

Life! Right at my doorstep! A bunch of vibrant red parrot tulips were delivered to me by my knight in shining armour of a sailor! And while we were still skyping! There is still life when everything seems dark and dreary. When the cold of winter makes you want to hull up inside all day, there is still something there. Something to drag you out of your funk.... and I think I've been in one.

"Start the New Year with a positive attitude." Resolution #1-CHECK. A smiling wife-CHECK.

What you sow does not come to life unless it dies. -1 Cor. 36

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Snowing in Dixie: On Christmas!!!!

So it was 60 something degrees 3 days ago. Today we had snow on Christmas!!!! What a treat!! (mute music at bottom of page before playing video).

Large flakes start to stick at noon. Suprise video mode.

Still snowing at 3pm. Luckily I figured out the video mode.

Lots of snow east of town.

Sorry it's tilted. I didn't know it was on video mode. Still figuring this thing out.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

60s and Sunny: A Saving Christmas

It's amazing what it can take to put you back in the spirit. I mean the "right" spirit of Christmas. What is the trun meaning of Christmas and how it saves us? Christ came into this world as a child without a care in the world. Not to do lists, need to buy lists, what to bake or make lists. Those cares have cluttered the real meaning of Christmas for me every now and then. It takes a few minutes on a sunny December day in Alabama with 60 degree temps to make me slow down and really meditate on what matters. Being with family, friends and loved ones and knowing that Christ has saved me from my sins saves me this holiday season from the hustle and bustle of getting stuff done, shopping and traffic chaos that Christmas can sometimes bring about.

Don't you just love getting the chance to sit and savor the season?! Ah, the rocking chair, the patio and Tocca!

P.S. Now it really would be peace on earth...or at least in my backyard...if those two turtle doves would stop hogging the feeder and share with the cute little finches and the brightest cardinal I've seen in a while. Adam I think I'll name him....Adam.

P.S.S. I have also saved my berry decorations by using dark red nail polish to hide the styrofoam spots! Ingenious, I know.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

HE never fails

It never fails. Just when....

Just when I get out for break, early at that,
I hit shopping traffic on the way home.

Just when I decide to host folks in my house,
it never fails that I have a lack of motivation to clean.

Just when I decide to give Adam's truck a spin,
it never fails that something goes wrong (the battery died this time).

Just when I remove Levon's dog bone from the garden,
does he go in looking for it only to tear up the tomato posts.
And just after I get the truck fixed,
does he jump in the front seat instead of the back.

Just when I have the motivation again to clean the inside,
do I have to work on the outside of the house instead.

Just when I've had some good days and am going strong,
it never fails that I lose strength and shed a tear, or a few.

Just when I think I'm alone and have decided it's not all about "I,"
it never fails that God decides to show up somewhere.

He never fails me. I just have to get away from all the "I's" to realize it.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

....more than Mac N Cheese

Some nights I just want a little more. A little more than microwave Mac N Cheese. OKay, so I sometimes have two bowls for dinner. I don't know if this is a good thing to be able to eat what I want when I want or not. Then it's definately a double-edge sword. Homemade potato soup, sweet potato casserole, fresh turnip greens with tomatoes, and an amended Chicken Tetrazini recipe have stirred my creativity and desire for cooking. As hearty, healthy and appetizing as these sound, they are not as easy to make. Some are. But sometimes, I really just want Mac N Cheese. Anyone else feel this way?

In over my head in greens.

The finished product.