Friday, December 31, 2010
In the dead of winter
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Snowing in Dixie: On Christmas!!!!
So it was 60 something degrees 3 days ago. Today we had snow on Christmas!!!! What a treat!! (mute music at bottom of page before playing video).
Large flakes start to stick at noon. Suprise video mode.
Still snowing at 3pm. Luckily I figured out the video mode.
Lots of snow east of town.
Sorry it's tilted. I didn't know it was on video mode. Still figuring this thing out.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
60s and Sunny: A Saving Christmas
Don't you just love getting the chance to sit and savor the season?! Ah, the rocking chair, the patio and Tocca!
P.S. Now it really would be peace on earth...or at least in my backyard...if those two turtle doves would stop hogging the feeder and share with the cute little finches and the brightest cardinal I've seen in a while. Adam I think I'll name him....Adam.
P.S.S. I have also saved my berry decorations by using dark red nail polish to hide the styrofoam spots! Ingenious, I know.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
HE never fails
Just when I get out for break, early at that,
I hit shopping traffic on the way home.
Just when I decide to host folks in my house,
it never fails that I have a lack of motivation to clean.
Just when I decide to give Adam's truck a spin,
it never fails that something goes wrong (the battery died this time).
Just when I remove Levon's dog bone from the garden,
does he go in looking for it only to tear up the tomato posts.
And just after I get the truck fixed,
does he jump in the front seat instead of the back.
Just when I have the motivation again to clean the inside,
do I have to work on the outside of the house instead.
Just when I've had some good days and am going strong,
it never fails that I lose strength and shed a tear, or a few.
Just when I think I'm alone and have decided it's not all about "I,"
it never fails that God decides to show up somewhere.
He never fails me. I just have to get away from all the "I's" to realize it.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
....more than Mac N Cheese
The finished product.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving
A Thanksgiving Poem
Thank You for breath to live,
for the Holy Spirit to give,
For eyes to see,
for the strength to be free,
For ears to hear,
for words that appear,
For a mouth to speak,
and knowledge to seek.
For my hands to act,
for my feet on track.
For my heart to love,
for gifts given from above,
For my mind to do Your Will,
for my soul to be still.
For my body to live,
for actions to give,
For all my remaining days,
to sing Your praise.
For the birds and the bees,
for being on my knees,
For colorful butterflies,
for the joys and the sighs,
For trees dressed in green,
for a world to be seen,
For mountains so high,
for the clear blue sky
For oceans so deep,
for on beaches to sleep.
For Your Animal Kingdom,
My thanks from within.
For a house and a bed,
warmth, light and bread.
For music and sound
My thanks are profound.
For vision and sight,
And the glorious night
For weather so pleasant,
For angels - heaven-sent
For the sun that shines,
for the jewels that are mine.
For family and friends,
for love that never ends
For life everlasting,
in Your Love I am basking
For the language of prayer,
for always being There.
For the miracle of creation,
For free gift of salvation.
Thank You for You Lord,
Your love is my reward.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
"That's Why."
"Blessed is the Nation whose GOD is LORD...." Psalm 33:12
Thursday, November 11, 2010
I have a crush on.....
Well, life hits and I now have a crush again as I am now in my nearing-30 season of life. Deployment is life and it hits strong. Some days I feel as though I have a crush again, on my husband. Other days, I feel as though I have a crush on a permanent pen pal that I know I will end up with, and that I know has NEVER done anything wrong. hehe. I look in awe and wonder into an oblivion, in my dreams, while walking down the halls at work, while in the middle of a yoga pose and most definitely while driving. It can be numbing. Mind-manipulating and even soul-quieting.
But what I do KNOW is that this too shall pass. I am in love with my crush, my sailor, my Adam.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Showing my support
Granddad's Farm in Ednyeville, NC last weekend. I even let him eat out of my hand!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
WOW!!! I haven't seen a rainbow like that in a while! Well, Adam and I saw a full one this summer but this one was more than full. It threw me in a trance that said, "Come follow me. Find me pot-o-gold. Go under and have fun." Well, under would have been towards the trafficked interstate and rain. As I sat there in awe, I didn't even have to count. I could see ALL THE COLORS OF THE RAINBOW. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet!!!! ROY-G-BIV as I so fondly learned as a child. Special Ed and Navy; well I just can't help but live and breathe acronyms. But, I digress....
The rainbow was the widest I've ever seen! And I don't mean from side to side, but it was, hummm...fat! Beautifully full-bodied colors blending together stretching across the sky for God to say, "Remember!"
And then I turned left and headed on home.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Fall is Here....or is it?
Fall is here and it's approaching fast. Halloween is just around the corner and I cannot wait to dress up. My mom always taught me to just decorate and have fun with holidays, secular or religious. Nothing to serious, I just buy pumpkins and squash for the table and send a cute "batty" card or two. It's really just a day to be a kid again-dress-up and candy! What's better than that? It's really great if the weather is "fallish" too on Oct. 31st. The cool night air and crunching of the leaves and acorns beneath the feet of excitement, excites me too!!!
Welcome Fall!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Surface Gardening
1 Timothy 1:6-8
I was out pulling weeds the other day when I realized that all I was doing was brushing the surface. With only an hour of time and friends coming over the next day, I really only had time to pull what would be seen along the front fringe of the natural area. And I barely got to the garden in the back. If I could keep up a garden as well as Adam, fertilizing, watering, and weeding a little on a daily basis, the yard and garden would be in much better shape.
How often do we do that with our spiritual lives? How often do you read a litte of scripture here and there but not every day? Do you go to God in prayer when only things are bad? I can honestly say that I tend to engage in "surface gardening" when it comes to spiritual discipline myself. I've heard that God is the Master Gardner. If we go to him on a daily basis He can make life so much more. More fulfilling. I pray for the strength to "grow" through more time and study with Him.
Friday, October 1, 2010
"Operation Military Family"
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
I'm compelled to post
Monday, September 27, 2010
God's Promises in a Windy Day
Well, Autumn is finally here in Birmingham and I was outside enjoying the cool weather this morning and heard the chimes singing in the wind!! God is there... He's here....Adam is there...but he will be back!! The wind chime of blue and green glass is special to us as Adam and I picked it out in Tocca, GA this summer to remind us of our times together, and remind me while he's in Kuwait. Our trip outside NSA Athens that morning was a DATE, believe it or not! He surprised me as we drove for over an hour in "hiking" clothes. We did attempt to hike Mt. Curahee but ended up at the top before we knew it in Adam's truck. Off-roading describes it I think. We did happen upon the beautiful Tocca Falls and quaint town. Love some meat n'three.
I can hear it now as the wind continues to blow even this afternoon. Thank God for the blessings of cool breezes, windy days and for His promises for us!
"Now I am about to go the way of all the earth. You know with all your heart and soul that not one of all the good promises the LORD your God gave you has failed. Every promise has been fulfilled; not one has failed" -Joshua 23:14
A Prayer for our Troops
"Lord, please hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. Amen."
Of all the gifts you could give a US Soldier, Sailor, Airman, Marine & others deployed in harm’s way, Prayer is the very best one!'
Monday, September 13, 2010
New Mercies Everyday

Thursday, September 9, 2010
A Blissful Weekend
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Flowers of Hope: Withstanding the Enemy
Monday, August 30, 2010
A Resurrected Blogger
Sunday, April 25, 2010
As I look at my pages-all 5 of them thus far- and other examples of different pages in "how-to" books and pamphlets, I either get discouraged or inspired. My first though is to se the stage! The background; the mood the scheme or theme! What about's like a "tablescape" for my "pictures of the moment" or the ones I'm placing in scrapbook pages soon.
Question: I love memorabilia such as wedding programs, tickets, birthday cards, artwork, etc. and would love to know how to display these items with corresponding pictures. I've heard you can buy memorabilia pockets. I've also heard of others making separate albums or pages/sliders. They slide their "extras" down into an empty sleeve w/o pictures so that the photos are not ruined by the acids/or whatever is on the memorabilia. Does anyone have a good suggestion for displaying memorabilia such as this in an album??
Tip: Look through yours or your kids' box or bag of stickers. You'd be surprised how many are acid/lignin free. What a great way to find and use something for your album in a pinch and save money too??!!